Become a Student

Learn how to study a passage, how to memorize, how to instill the Word in your children, where to take classes, how to get credentialed with the A/G, & MORE! We are blessed beyond measure in our generation to have material and resources at our fingertips. Let’s sharpen our tools and get down to business. We invite you to DIG DEEPER with us! Also check our Resources page.
Digging deeper into the Word
What the Bible Is All About
A Bible Handbook – Revised and Updated
One of the greatest tragedies today is that, although the Bible is an available, open book, it is a closed book to millions – either because they leave it unread or because they read it without applying its teachings to themselves….This book, What the Bible Is All About, will help make the reading and study of God’s Word interesting, challenging and useful. -from the foreword by Billy Graham
Familiarize yourself with the Bible through this general overview. What the Bible Is All About contains 52 chapters, perfect for reading one chapter a week. Just think of how much you will gain in one year!

Bible Study Tools
Immerse yourself in the original time & place
Let’s start with a list of hard copy Bible Study tools. It’s nice to be able to flip through the pages in a colorful Bible atlas or encyclopedia. Here are some good tools:
- Handbook – Halley’s Bible Handbook
- Commentary – Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
- Concordance – Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
- Encyclopedia – Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia
- Dictionary – Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- Bible Atlas – Holman Bible Atlas
- Parallel Bible – NIV, KJV, NASB, Amplified
Online Bible Study Tools
Amazing Tools
Study Tools:
Living Commentary Bible Software by Andrew Wommack
Training and Courses:
Specific Tools from Bible Hub:
Great Articles:

Bible Reading Plans
Do you have a plan?
Choose one:
- Bible Reading Plan – Read the Bible in a Year
- Bible Gateway Reading Plans
- Bible Plan
- Back to the Bible Reading Plans
- More Back to the Bible Reading Plans
- Ligonier Ministries Bible Reading Plans
- Reading Plans
- Crosswalk Beginner Plans
- 45 Topical Bible Reading Plans
- Chronological Bible Reading Plan (61 days)
- Chronological from Blue Letter Bible

Digging deeper into a Passage

How to Interpret the Bible
A Big Word Called Hermeneutics
- Apologetics Resource Center – online article Good Hermeneutics: Rightly Dividing the Word of God and other material.
- Focus on the Family – online resource for interpreting the Bible.
- Biblical Hermeneutics – Free Lessons by Dr. Robert Stein
- Dr. Robert Stein’s book – A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible.
- Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart’s book – How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth

Effective Bible Study Methods
Find the approach that works for you!
- Cru (formerly called Campus Crusade for Christ) describes 5 Techniques to Study the Bible.
- Navigators – How to Study the Bible
- Into Thy Word – Teaching People How to Study the Bible
- Hendricks’ book – Living By the Book
- Oletta Wald’ book – The New Joy of Discovery
- Kay Arthur, David Arthur and Pete DeLacy’s book – How to Study Your Bible – Discover the Life-Changing Approach to God’s Word
Digging deeper into Scripture Memorization

Begin to Memorize Scripture
Pen/paper and devices
Hard copy systems:
Online systems and Apps:
Scripture Typer – Find out more here:

Kids Memorizing Scripture
Learn with your kids
How to Train Your Kids to Memorize Scripture:
Digging deeper with your Children

The Fire Bible for Kids
Bring them up as Pentecostals
Get the Fire Bible for Kids!
- Old & New Testaments
- Study notes
- Book introductions
- Fact-filled teachings
- Plan of salvation
- 3-D experience with FREE companion app
- Not just for kids – versions for youth/adults

Your Kids – God’s Word
Highly-rated Free App
Get the Bible App for Kids!
- App
- Storybook
- Videos
- Bible activities
- Free curriculum for churches
- Convenient download of support materials
- Ages 2 – Kindergarten

Foundations for Faith
Doctrine for Kids
Geared for 6ths graders but works great for other grades as well. Gives them a thorough education in the Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God. They’ll become familiar with: Bible Doctrine for Daily Living, The Inspired Scriptures, God in Three Persons, God’s Great Salvation, Baptism in Water, Communion, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, and The Second Coming of Christ. Study based on the NIV. Features Doctrine Dictionette, the Statement of Faith, and more. A Certificate of Completion is awarded to those who complete the course. Your kids can know what they believe and why!
Ask when the next class is being offered.

Catechism for Young Children
Instill the Word
When you hear the word “catechism” you may think of your Catholic friends. Don’t let the word scare you! It just means instruction in Christian principles. Sample questions from Catechism for Young Children:
- Question: Who made you? Answer: God
- Question: What else did God make? Answer: God made all things.
- Question: Why did God make you and all things? Answer: For his own glory.
- Question: How can you glorify God? Answer: By loving him and doing what he commands.
Also be inspired by article: A Catechism—with OUR Kids?
Digging deeper into Courses (non-credit or credit)

Berean School of the Bible
Adult Continuing Ed & Prep for Credentialing
Enrich your life through Berean School of the Bible (BSB), an adult continuing education program. With BSB courses, you do not earn college credit but do earn continuing education units. You can be prepared to fill a church leadership role and fulfill the call of God on your life. BSB has pioneered distance education for A/G ministerial credentials since 1948 and has trained Assemblies of God ministers for over six decades. Over 1,500 BSB study groups across America have brought ministerial training to their local communities.
Course Costs: $81-$111 per course
Questions? Call us at 1-800-443-1083!

On the World Christian Movement
For decades and around the world, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement has drawn everyday people deeper into God’s purpose for the world. People of all ages, walks of life, and backgrounds have come out of the class with an expanded vision of God’s work in the world and a new grasp of their part in it, revitalizing their walk with the Lord and strengthening their faith.
This closest location to take this course is Altoona. The cost is $275 for non-credit, $675 for 3 college credits, and $775 for 3 graduate level credits. Learn more about the Altoona program.
Digging deeper into Courses (accredited degree programs)

Global University
Get a Fully Accredited Degree from Home
The Undergraduate School of Bible and Theology exists to serve those who seriously desire a biblical and theological education. Whether your goal is to obtain a Bible college degree, complete a second degree, or study for personal enrichment, the School of Bible and Theology is uniquely positioned to serve you through distance learning methods.
Global University offers complete undergraduate programs in English as well as Spanish and French. Their accredited degree programs may be completed entirely by distance – at your pace and on your schedule. See their available undergraduate programs.
Graduate School of Theology also available.

University of Valley Forge
Enjoy a Campus Atmosphere or Go Online
The University of Valley Forge is an in-state solution to your educational needs. Here are some great features:
- A 13:1 student to faculty ratio
- 50+ programs of study
- Possible dual enrollment for juniors and seniors
- Large campus next to a 44-acre park
- 200+ campus jobs; numerous jobs off campus
Watch a live chapel webcast!
1401 Charlestown Road | Phoenixville, PA 19460
800.432.8322 | 610.935.0450
Digging deeper into Credentialing with the A/G
Do you feel the Lord is directing you to become a credentialed minister or Christian worker but don’t have the time or resources to earn a degree from an accredited college or university?
We have good news for you!
Check out the Berean School of the Bible (see above) or look into the PennDel School of Ministry or the Potomac School of Ministry below. A District School of Ministry (DSOM) provides ministerial training sponsored and operated by a district. A DSOM is a convenient, pay-as-you-go way to fulfill the educational requirements for credentialing in the A/G with the added benefit of doing most of the coursework at home. It also provides an opportunity for lay persons to benefit from biblical and doctrinal knowledge and increase their ministry skills. The District Schools of Ministry are not credential-granting organizations; they simply provide the academic requirements for credentialing. The actual credential application and approval process is done through the District. The three types of credentialing the A/G offers are Certified, Licensed, and Ordained, each with specific requirements. Find out more:

District School of Ministry
Pennsylvania-Delaware District Council
Courses are offered at Monroeville Assembly of God and First AG in York. Check out the PennDel SOM website for more information. And here is their FAQ page. Classes are held monthly during the school year on a Saturday starting at 8:30 AM. The final exam for the course is also given at this time. The bulk of the work is done at home. Each course costs $60. The Penndel SOM hopes to offer a diploma for Lay Church Workers in the future.

District School of Ministry
Potomac District Council
The Potomac School of Ministry offers three locations. Their Falling Waters, WV, location is just over an hour from Everett. In addition to Certified, Licensed and Ordained tracks, they offer a Certificate in Biblical Studies. Most course work is done at home. On-site classes are held monthly September – July. Instructors include experienced, ordained pastors and college professors. For more information, check their website.