Children’s Ministry
Here at Everett Assembly Kids Ministry we are committed to partnering with you to raise kids who love Jesus with all their heart, mind, and soul and to love their neighbor as themselves (Matthew 22:37-39).
To do that we are training children using the 252 Basics curriculum from “What Is Orange?” and the A/G curriculum “Faith Case.”
Each month in 252 Kids we learn how to “download” our “life app.” The Bible is our text as we learn respect, responsibility, humility, and many more virtues to help kids grow spiritually in these ways:
- Trusting God no matter what.
- Making the wise choice.
- Treating others the way I want to be treated.
PARENTS!!! Below you will find a link to Becky Fischers YOUTUBE channel. She is/has been an amazing Children’s Minister and leader for over 25 years. This is a great resource for you to use to teach your children and engage them in the word of the Lord
Hey Kids!
Check out these sites just for you. Games, videos, music, and more. And many more goodies for you on our Resources page. Check it out!
Check out the latest faith case by
with your password.
Christian shows and movies your kids will love
Weekly devotional
Coming Up
What’s Been Happening
New for 2018!
A large turn-out of children ages 4-12 participated in a very special craft time with their family members and friends.
They enjoyed refreshments, a family photo and even a campfire. A truly wonderful time!
Parade of Flags and Blessing Bags
to Nursing Home

Back to School
Water Fun Night!

Team Spirit
An average of 69 children and 44 workers.
12 children accepted Jesus and 18 rededicated their lives!

252 Winter Challenge
Roller Skating

Our kids got their armor on!

Christmas Programs
Youth & Children Christmas Plays
Kids Camps

Awesome District Kids Camps!
Join us next time!
See more Kids Camp pics here.

Fun Activities
The armor of God
Sunday School in action!